Welcome to
The Thomas Crosbie PACE Foundation
We are a small friendly foundation that welcomes volunteers. If you are interested in joining us, please use the contact form or email pacecoldfire@gmail.com

Remembering Thomas
Thomas Kareem Crosbie, aka PACE had a great passion for music and sport. He was a creative, sensitive and deep thinking individual. He cared greatly about his family, friends and his community. He was a natural communicator and had an amazing capacity for bringing people together. He touched many people’s lives and will be remembered for his unique energy, and unbound kindness. He believed that all people were equal and felt great sadness for the inequalities that exist globally. He cared about the environment and human rights. He wished for the world to be a more peaceful and loving place.
Thomas took his own life 15th September 2016 aged 27.

a Creative hub in east london
Thomas’s vision was to form a creative hub that would be a place of inspiration and promote young people's wellbeing through the arts and sport. Those who loved him and those who worked alongside him have created the Thomas Crosbie PACE Foundation to honour that vision and continue his legacy. It is recognition of Thomas’s life and will not only celebrate Thomas’s life but the lives of everyone involved.
The Thomas Crosbie PACE Foundation is dedicated to developing a creative hub in East London where young people can access the arts and sport. Whether it be attending workshops in spoken word and rap to recording original beats and accessing sports activities.
We have had many wonderful fundraising events by the Foundation’s friends and supporters over the years:
Big Half London marathons
Sponsored Pace River walk from the Southbank to Wapping
Cal’s music night at Grow Hackney
Tough Mudders
Clothes swaps and many more
The Foundation is continuing to be committed to making music, the arts and sport accessible to young people and local communities at the same time providing people with avenues to access wellbeing support.
Annual Coldfire festival held in Tower Hamlets
Work in school: Poetry and writing workshops around wellbeing
Student involvement in the Festival through performances, roving reporters, stewards and attending workshops
Suicide prevention awareness talks to teachers
Outreach work in schools and youth groups
Suicide awareness with local authority
Morpeth School
Adult NHS Psychology